Friday, May 22, 2009

Almost There...

I forgot to post that I saw the doctor last Tuesday and we discussed some options about Shea's delivery. After being checked we found out that I was only 1cm dilated and between 60-70% effaced, so not much progress from 3 weeks before then. We also discovered that Shea is nearing 9 pounds pretty quickly. So I was completely ready to be induced into labor right then and there but in the end my doctor and I decided to wait one more week to see if I would go into labor on my own.

Basically we are considering induction because right now Shea is very large for a baby at just over 39 weeks. If we wait until I go into labor naturally, it could take two or more weeks and by then he will be too big and I will need a c-section. On the other hand if we try to induce labor now we have a better chance of having him naturally, but there is a small chance I wont progress even with induction. So, either way we see the doctor next Tuesday at 8 am and he will check me again. I think regardless of what we find out we are going to probably be heading over to the hospital either that day or within that week. We are bringing our hospital/labor bags with us to the docs office just in case he sends us straight over to the hospital. I'll be 39 weeks and 6 days when I see the doc so maybe baby Shea will be born on his due date (May 27th) after all.

But the great news is, HE IS COMING SOON!!! YAY
And there is still 4 days including today that I might get contractions on my own!

1 comment:

Bree said...

Check. your. email:)