Friday, November 28, 2008

Second Trimester!

I am now in my second trimester YAY!!! I am now 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and it feels awesome to be out of the first trimester. I'm getting bigger now, I'm not as sick as I was weeks ago, and I'm definately less stressed out now. The last time Jay and I heard the baby's heartbeat it was good (158bpm). Pretty soon I should be able to feel definate movement, probably in another two or three weeks. We have only another 5 1/2 weeks to wait to find out the baby's gender! I'm so excited. Here is some new belly pictures of me from today (11/28)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Jay and I are celebrating Thanksgiving on Sunday with his parents so I'll have more pictures then!

Jazz likes the belly!

So my cat Jazz has always been very loving and affectionate, but lately since I've been pregnant, he seems to be even more so. I've noticed that he seems to always be by my side throughout the day and his favorite spot to lay down on me is on my belly. So I decided to start documenting this because I think it's so adorable! Here's some pictures of him near my belly on different days from this week and last week.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

OB Appointment-13 weeks

This morning Jay and I went to see my doctor for our four week check-up which pretty much consisted of asking a few questions and getting the baby's heartrate checked. My doctor smiled and said the baby sounds good and the heartrate is 158 bpm. I was really excited to hear that, obviously, and even more excited that Jay was able to hear his baby this time. I asked my OB about when I would get to see the next ultrasound to determine the gender and he said in six weeks! So I have my next appoinment on December 15th, which will make me 16 weeks and 5 days, and then two weeks after that I'll know the gender! It will be perfect timing for Christmas and New Year's Eve. Right now, my whole side of the family seems to think it will be a girl since I seem to be carrying a little high, but who knows!

Friday, November 14, 2008


So today was pretty interesting and since I can't really move around too much, I thought I'd write about it. This morning I woke up to some really strange feelings in my belly. If I had to describe the feeling, it was sort of like butterfly wings, like little vibrations. I've felt it before but its much stronger now. Usually it happens only in the morning when I'm laying on my side and I have to be really still. Shortly after that, some cramping started. It's been on and off all day but it hasn't been too bad. While I was laying down watching TLC and Discovery Health (all those baby shows Jay likes to call "horror movies" or something like that) my blood sugar dropped pretty low. It was intense because my body shook like crazy before I could get back to normal. On top of all that, Jay thinks its funny I'm all swollen from water retention. It does look pretty funny having puffy hands and feet. Now I'm just exhausted and tonight Jay and I are suppose to go to Mandalay Bay to see Kathy Griffin's stand-up. I get to go to Shark Reef for the first time too! Jay has been wanting me to come to his work for so long and he's really excited for me to meet some of his coworkers. I really hope I feel better by tonight. We both need to get out of the house and have some fun. And today marks 12 weeks and 2 days! We are getting so close to the second trimester. I'm super happy we're almost there!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week 12

I have reached the 12 week mark, which means I have only one more week until my second trimester! I'm so excited that the first trimester is almost over! The sickness should soon be a thing of the past soon and I can now start to enjoy all the wonderful things about being an expectant parent. I'm looking forward to all the milestones that are coming up, especially the next ultrasound in the coming weeks and finding out if our little munchkin is a boy or a girl. In a few weeks I shoud start to feel some movement too! Here are pictures of my belly at 12 weeks! I seem to have grown overnight! (I know I need to clean the mirror in our guest bathroom hehe)
Sorry I look a little out of it in this one, but I thought it was a good belly picture!

Belly Pictures Weeks 6 & 8

So here is a picture of me at 6 weeks. . . .

And here is my belly at 8 weeks (a little change). . . .

First Ultrasound

Well, we had our first ultrasound on October 21, 2008. Unfortunately, Jay wasn't able to come with me to the doctor's office which was upsetting to us both. But fortunately, the baby is healthy and growing great! He/she had 171 heart beats per minute! My mom, Tamara, came with me to the ultrasound and we were both totally excited! I couldn't wait to see the little person Jay and I created. I don't think I have ever experienced something so breathtaking in my whole life. When the doctor let me hear the heartbeat I nearly had an out-of-body experience, it was so incredible! I wanted to start bawling my eyes out but then I wouldn't have been able to keep watching the ultrasound screen so I held it back. Next appointment is on November 18th and this time Jay will get to experience the heartbeat too! YAY!

Baby Ticker




Welcome friends and family to our family's new blogsite. I got the idea from Debbie to try something like this out, and I think that it will be great! I want to keep everyone up to date on what is going on with the baby, and both me and Jay's journey through the process. I plan to make this blogsite much more colorful and interesting over the next few weeks and months, as well as adding lots of new pictures and posts. Enjoy!