Tuesday, December 30, 2008

19 weeks

Everyone keeps asking me if I have updated the baby webpage and I have recently, but maybe its not enough. So, I've decided to start updating weekly if I can, most likely every wednesday. With that said, I wanted to add some pictures of all the baby stuff we've received as gifts so far. We wanted to thank everyone for everything, we really appreciate all the things our family and friends do for us. Thank you so much! Ok... so here is a picture of everything so far...

Jay and I were very excited about the stroller and car seat set that my mom got us for Christmas. It's such a nice set! We also love our Mets baby bottles and the Broncos pacifier Jay's family got us for Christmas. (Actually I'm the only one who loves the Broncos pacifier, Jay would prefer a Giants one, teeheehee). Jay's aunt bought us some really cute baby bibs with little stuffed animal heads on the front. We both wore them for a while when we first got them, they were a little tight =).

So to update everyone on the baby, he/she has started moving like crazy! I can feel the baby move now about every hour or two if I sit still. For some reason the baby loves to move when I play Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2009 (and if you don't know what that is, that's a golf video game). I've noticed a pattern where the baby likes to kick me for a while on my left side and then turn around and kick me on the other side a few hours later. It's a great feeling but I get caught off guard alot and it makes me jump. In the mornings I like to check which side of my belly the baby is on by looking at which side of my stomach is bulging outwards. Right now, the baby is on my left side. Yesterday, Jay and I went window shopping up in Summerlin and on the way there the baby was moving so much that I didn't want to get out of the car. We just happened to run in to a Babies R' Us when I didn't know we had one here in Vegas. It was the coolest store ever! Jay didn't want to go in but then I think he started to like it when we got to the playpen section. We also stopped by Border's where Jay got stuck looking at the baby development books. I love that he is participating so much with our pregnancy! This baby will have the best dad ever!

Here is a picture of what our baby probably looks like now...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

17 weeks!

So my cousin needs to know what I'm craving in order to vote: I'm craving jalapenos big time. I could put jalapenos on everything. Also, coffee (which I can't really drink) and sharp cheddar cheese. Jay says I crave salt and vinegar chips, doughnuts, and breakfast foods. He also says he thinks I crave breakfast foods the most.

Ok, so I have new pictures! Yay! These are from Friday I think so I would have been 17 weeks and 2 days, and now I'm 17 weeks and 4 days. I'm feeling very big and I'm running out of clothes that fit. =( We're not even half way there yet!

And here is Jay searching for baby names! So cute!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Boy or Girl?

Ok everyone, so Jay and I find out if the baby is a boy or a girl on January 9th!!! We are so excited!!! I have a feeling the baby is a boy, and Jay thinks it's a girl, but we want everyone to vote. I know I took down the name polls, now that we are getting serious about a name we aren't going to post another name poll until we have our definate picks. We're pretty stuck on the name Harley if it is a girl, I don't see that changing. But we are having a difficult time with boy names. Jay and I are researching hard and hopefully we can find a name that fits. I really, REALLY think the baby is a boy, but don't let that influence your decision when you vote! =) So, everything is going really good right now. I feel loads better. And I am pretty sure I felt the baby move twice the other day and three times today for sure. I know it seems early to be feeling kicks, but something definately happened that couldn't be described any other way. I know I said I would post pictures from Thanksgiving but (sorry) we didn't take any. Too busy eating! I need to post new belly pictures tomorrow or Saturday so keep checking back to see the progress. I definately feel rounder and heavier!