Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ear Infection

So Jay and I have had a lovely past couple of days......

Jay had to rush me to Urgent Care the other morning for a very severe ear infection. About a week ago I noticed that my right ear was bothering me and was becoming itchy in my ear canal. I thought it was nothing so I didn't bother to do anything about it. Then three days ago I lossed my hearing and my ear started swelling. My head started going numb and it was hard to sleep at night. Then two days ago, I began having horrible pain from what felt like trapped water in my ear canal. My ear closed up and it became even more painful. I read online that I should try to draw the water out with a heating pad or other home remedies, and I did try but it was pointless and I just increased the pain. So Jay took me to Urgent Care yesterday morning and the doctor there told me that I had otitus externa which is caused by and infection and traps fluid behind the ear drum. I guess the drainage system that leads from the ear to the nose and throat gets inflamed and can't drain anymore. So trapped water and pressure build and build until the drainage system opens again, and all of this is considered excruciatingly painful. So for the past day and a half I have been in the worst pain I have EVER experienced in my life. I was able to get antibiotics and ear drops but the doctor couldn't prescribe pain medication because I'm pregnant. It has been the worst week of my life, I'd rather break a few bones than go through this whole process again. But, today I finally feel slightly better. I probably won't update the baby page again until next week, sorry no new pictures =( Hopefully for me and baby's sake, this fluid drains soon.

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